Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Skin care tips for sensitive skin

So you have sensitive skin, and finding the perfect skin care has been like searching for the holy grail.

Your dermatologist can help you plan a non-irritating skin care routine that will ensure that the skin barrier is not compromised while at the same time debris, excess oil and surface organisms are removed.

Follow these easy steps to healthier skin:
1. Cleanse facial skin twice daily with tepid water splashed on the skin surface.
2. Use non-perfumed, gentle soap-free cleanser – gently massage onto the skin surface with fingers.
3. Do not use cotton pads or scrubbing pads – it is unnecessary and potentially irritating to rub skin vigorously during cleansing.
4. A rest period of up to 30 minutes should be taken before applying topical medications. This time can be progressively reduced once the skin has gotten used to the creams.
5. Apply medication as a fine film with single movement of finger pad.
6. Moisturiser or sunscreen should be applied after topical medications.
7. Avoid excessive use of moisturising creams. This can result in over dependence on moisturisers, and may also contribute to yeast infection.
8. When removing eye makeup with makeup remover, dab gently with a cotton pad. Do not rub.

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